My Services
I provide nutrition and lifestyle support, guidance and advice throughout the pregnancy and postnatal period. You can work with me at any stage.
The father/partner is welcome at the consultations (do let me know in advance) and/or they may wish to sign up for separate consultations if they would like their own tailored programme and/or advice on how they can best support the pregnant/new mother.
Consultations can take place in a number of different settings – please get in contact to discuss – they can include:
(1) an SE1/Central London location;
(2) in the comfort of your own home (up to 30 minutes travel time from Waterloo);
(3) via Skype/Zoom (follow up consultations only).
How Do Consultations Work?
All consultations are unique and tailored towards you and your goals.
Research is undertaken prior to and after every consultation so that each time you can be sure that the advice given is wholly based upon your individual needs.
Ahead of the initial consultation, I will send a questionnaire for you to fill out and return to me approximately 1 week in advance. This allows you the time to consider and reflect on what you would like to address within the consultation. In-between receiving your questionnaire and our consultation, I will take great care to read through your history, objectives, concerns and/or symptoms to guide my research so that we may get the most out of our time together. Our initial consultation will largely be a discussion around your questionnaire, how you are currently feeling and how you would like to feel. If you are experiencing any troubling symptoms, we can address those and discuss how best to set you on the path to wellbeing.
I highly recommended that we meet face-to-face for our initial consultation so that we may get to know each other within a comfortable and confidential setting.

Follow up(s)
These will primarily focus on how you have been feeling since the initial consultation (or previous follow-up) and whether the takeaway actions / suggestions have helped you. Again, we will discuss how you are feeling and work on keeping with/adapting/trying new takeaway actions that are suitable and achievable for you.